


Project Scheduler

I have always been involved in large projects - from coordinating school events, through active participation in the student council's activities, ending with the professional supervision of fairs and conferences.

After graduating from with my Engineering degree, I joined Corning as Project Scheduler.

Retrospectively, I know Corning was the best decision. Here, people are inspiring and help me develop my passions. The construction of our company's new factory is undoubtedly one of the largest and most important projects in which I have been involved.

I spent my first days in Corning training in North Carolina. I was immediately warmly welcomed and provided with the best care. People create the magic of this place. The enormous support of my leaders and their trust builds my energy and commitment every day. It inspires me to continue my development towards project management and confirms that I chose well.

My duties require both soft and analytical skills. Through practice, I develop competences in the field of communication, project management, and team management. My main tasks are coordinating the links between all areas of the company's activity, monitoring delay / acceleration rates and quick response to changes.