Can glass save the world?


More efficient spaces, connectivity for rural areas, widespread renewable energy ... For the International Year of Glass, Corning’s chief strategy officer addresses the U.N. on how glass can solve the world’s most pressing issues.


If people thought glass spectacles were magic in the 13th century, what would they think about the advancements we’ve made in glass since then? The light bulb, optical fiber, tiny microchips for computers, and now... pesticides that can target a specific insect?

While we now have the scientific knowledge to understand glass’ ability, Corning’s emerging innovations might even seem magical.

In a speech given at the United Nations’ 2022 International Year of Glass kickoff in February, Corning’s chief strategy officer, Jeff Evenson, explored the incredible attributes of glass and how glass technologies are vital to solving some of the world’s toughest problems. Illness, climate change, and inequality: glass has a role in alleviating it all.

Glass vials can help deliver vaccines, ultra thin bendable glass can increase the adoption of solar energy, and glass fiber can bring commerce to remote areas. And yes, glass particles can even encase non-toxic pesticides, providing a safer alternative to feeding the world.

So–is it magic or science? At Corning, Jeff likes to think our magic is in the scientific process, and our craft is how we manipulate it. With support and collaboration, scientists can follow their wonder to see where glass can progress us to next.


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