Social Responsibility Audit

Social Responsibility Audit

The Corning Social Responsibility Audit is an extensive multi-step and comprehensive process to evaluate our highest risk suppliers to ensure compliance with our standards for supply chain social responsibility. Audits are conducted using Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) standard and performed by selected third-party auditors chosen from RBA’s approved audit firms.

The audit process includes:

  • Supplier Self-Assessments – Supplier completes a self-assessment questionnaire prior to an on-site visit.
  • On-site Visit from Corning Auditors – On-site meetings occur prior to the third-party audit and includes the development of an audit plan and audit on-boarding. If supplier score from the self-assessment and on-site visit does not meet expectations based on RBA standards, the supplier is notified and corrective actions are taken by the supplier and tracked/verified by Corning prior to third-party audit.
  • Third-Party Audit – Third party auditors conduct an extensive on-site audit that include assessments related to social responsibility. The on-site audit consists of management interviews, employee interviews, site observations (facility walk-throughs) and document reviews (e.g. human rights, child labor, human trafficking, health and safety, working hours)

    • Employee Interviews: The number of employees interviewed is defined by RBA standards. The interviews are conducted privately, without the presence of managers, or other staff, and worker responses are confidential. Senior managers must agree to encourage workers to be open and honest during interviews. Managers are also required to actively protect any interviewed worker from retaliation.
    • Site Observations: A review of “living facilities of workers” is required by auditors during the site observations. The related areas that are reviewed are: dormitories (including hostels and off-site housing, if company or labor agent owns/rents accommodation), canteens and kitchens, toilets and sanitation, and recreational facilities.
  • Remediation – Based on the findings of the third-party audit, a remediation plan is created in by Corning, our third-party auditors and in collaboration with supplier Corporate Social Responsibility lead and senior management that ensures supplier meets or exceeds Corning’s CSR.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Training – Corning and/or a third-party presents CSR training to all identified suppliers to discuss the criteria and overall outcome of the Social Responsibility Audit. Best practices, strategies, and tactics to improve social responsibility practices are shared and discussed to ensure alignment with Corning values and expectations.
  • Follow-up – Corning conducts regularly scheduled meetings (daily/weekly) with suppliers to assess progress against the remediation plans, and follow-up is managed by certified Corning auditors. Closure is completed by the third-party auditors to maintain consistency and fairness.
  • Training – Corning presents a training summit to discuss the criteria and overall outcome of the Social Responsibility Audit. Best practices, strategies, and tactics to improve social responsibility practices are shared and discussed to ensure alignment with Corning values and expectations.