Leadership and Development Program | Careers | Corning.com

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Leadership and Development Program

Leadership and Development Program

The program will expose you to our business segments
and develop functional knowledge in key areas.

Shape your future with LEAD, our Leadership and Development Program. LEAD offers a unique opportunity to gain exposure and key experiences early in your career to shape your future with Corning. The program is designed to give broad exposure to Corning’s global business segments through a series of competency building roles and work assignments.

You will move through real jobs, which allow for interaction with subject matter experts, company leaders, and key technologies. Throughout the program you will be expected to deliver results against our business and financial objectives.

While there is no established sequence, the path you follow will blend your career interests with Corning’s business needs. You will have the opportunity to work within different functions, early in your career with Corning, to help build an initial network and broad organizational knowledge. The program offers rich development experiences, including onboarding workshops, mentoring and coaching sessions, leadership and functional training, and opportunities to engage with business leaders across the company.

Develop strengths that enhance your progress

As a participant in LEAD, you will have the opportunity to use strong analytical skills, combined with judgment and leadership, to assess data and share recommendations directly with business leaders. Your work with Corning will be important and matter to the overall organization.

You will touch our business segments and develop functional knowledge in areas such as:

  • Strategy and planning
  • Commercial and business development
  • Manufacturing and engineering
  • Innovation management